Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Okey-Dokey Advice from a Surprising Source

Dear God or Divine Guidance or Jesus, Mary, or Joseph:

Please help me stay optimistic.

Please don’t let me become bitter and brittle.

I struggle every week to be caring, patient, kind, compassionate, and a good listener...

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Becoming Miss Fairchild

The judges ask the finalists, “Why do you think you deserve to be Miss Fairchild?”

I don’t remember what the two contestants before me said. I am panicky. Skinny me with the coke-bottle glasses and homemade clothes. My heart is racing, racing, racing. They are waiting for me to say something. Anything.

“You can do it,” a cute guy shouts, which intimidates me more.

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Creative Expression Is a Different Kind of Holy

When forms ask for my religion, I write “creative expression and kindness.” Which always makes harried receptionists smile. Kindness is obvious. Creative expression is a different kind of holy. It’s about caring for our own spirit.

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Dear Book Club

Dear Book Club Friends: Thank you for you. Thank you for us. Books, movies, TV series, politics, setbacks, struggles and joys. Marriages, illnesses, children, miscarriages, divorce, death, work, school, bad bosses, good jobs, no jobs…

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Let Me Be Lazy

What surprises me most about my life right now is how lazy I want to be. I have always been busy, living by lists.

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Get Old, Go Bold

Yesterday, I texted my friends about the Nantucket Christmas weekend: “Yes, to a dance party. No to a quiet church choral concert. YES, to dressing up for the dance party. Get old, go bold, baby.”

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

The Life of an Edgewalker

Edgewalkers work on the edge of any group. We are inside enough to be trusted but never part of the tribe. We travel quietly, listen to people’s stories and ask questions, and serve as scouts, firestarters, forecasters, and canaries in the coal mine…

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Lois Kelly Lois Kelly

Keeping Up with the Wildcats

“You know what Catherine Deneuve once said, “It’s your face or your ass,” I tell my old college friends as we sit down for a decadent dinner…

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